
What is Naviance? 

Naviance is a college access online platform that allow students to explore different post secondary options. Students can also use Naviance to find their most current grade point average, academic rank, and current scholarships they can apply to. Below you will find a complete list of services that Naviance provides if you need any assistance please visit the Go Center Staff. 

Naviance Services

  • College and Career Exploration
  • Letter of Recommendations
  • Upcoming College Rep Visit
  • Scholarship Database
  • Personality Assessment
  • Academic Profile 

To access this data following the link below and sign in using your Student ID (without the ‘S’) for both the username and the password. If you are having login issues please visit Mr. Dominguez in the Go Center and ask him to reset your Naviance account. 

Career Interest Survey

Many high school seniors are unsure about what career they might be interested in pursuing. The Go Center recommendation is to the take the Career Interest Profiler under the Careers tab in Naviance. This survey is a tool that can help you discover the types of work activities and careers that match your interests. This survey is composed of 180 questions about whether you would like or dislike doing a particular work activity if you had a chance to do it. Please don’t think about the education or training to perform the activity.

This is not a test . There are no right or wrong responses just answer each question honestly. Come chat with Mr. Dominguez after you take the survey to chat about your results.